Join Us

Thank you for being a part of the art centric movement in our community! It is with your encouragement and financial support that the Madison Area Arts Alliance continues to nurture our creative community. By encouraging all art forms, live performances, and public participation, we continue to see a greater arts community and better quality of life for our residents and visitors.

As a non-profit organization, our day to day operations depend on donors who believe in what we are doing. Thank you so much for believing in our mission! 

Please consider joining or renewing your Friends of the Arts contribution today!

A special thank you to the Community Foundation of Madison & Jefferson County, Indiana for the ongoing support for the Madison Area Arts Alliance. We greatly appreciate your support!


We have a long list of ideas and plans for 2024!

  • Refresh ARTsy Switch Boxes! ARTsy boxes will get new artwork in 2024 on the Hilltop and Hanover.

  • Kindness Mural Plaza, Art Alley, and DG Market: New events to enhance this area of downtown and be a great connector to Main Street. 

  • Involve students with The Creatives and ARTsy Camp! The Creatives, a student art group for junior/senior/and college age students, meet monthly at the MAAA SPOT. Jane’s Kids ARTsy Camp for students K-5 is held in the summer. 

  • Expand MAAA’s SPOT! Look for a new and improved and expanded SPOT in 2024 with expanded programs, gallery talks, and creative meet & greets. Coming soon: The B Side! 

  • Additional exciting public art! We are partnering with the City Public Arts Commission to complete several new projects in 2024. Murals at the new DG Market grocery store, a sculpture at the Madison/Milton bridge approach, and more! 

  • Meetups: Creative Roundtables, tours, and gatherings. MAAA will be offering an assortment of programs and special events in 2024 - celebrating and creating a network for our arts community. Join us - everyone is welcome!